Book Review

Slave Girl: Buchi Emecheta

Olaitan Omokehinde
February 1, 2024


When you read a Buchi Emecheta book, you feel as though she is holding your hand and you are living through the story.

Set during the colonial era, “Slave Girl” is the story of Ogbanje Ojebeta, the only daughter of two loving parents. Upon their death, however, she is sold into slavery by her elder brother and life as she knew it, took a turn for the worse.

The book briefly explores the famous Aba women’s revolt and indirect rule of the British over her colony.

If you are like me and you enjoy history then you have one extra reason to love this book.

One thing Buchi is known for is her ability to expose societal ills, showing us the great dangers that lie in the path of inequality.

I had expected that in the end, given all that she had gone through in life, Ojebeta would be more fierce, fiery, ambitious and that her greatest achievements would surpass marriage, making meals for a husband or having children but Buchi gave a more realistic view, as she always does.


For someone who spent her formative years slaving for a woman whose entire wealth was attributed to her cheating husband, it’s no surprise that Ojebeta was quick to settle.

My favourite part of the book was when Ojebeta told her late master’s husband that she didn’t want to continue in slavery. Scared but bold and courageous at the same time. Taking her life into her own hands for the first time, otherwise, she might have died a slave.

“Pa Palagada, I want to go back to my people, now that Ma has gone. I thank you both for looking after me so well up till now. I don’t want to go to Bonny with Miss Victoria…”

“Slave Girl” is a book that will leave you wondering and wandering. Unpredictable in its course, you will not put it down till you reach the last page.

I got mine from the faculty of art bookstall at the University of Lagos, but here is a list of book shops you can check out if you reside in Lagos and would like to get the book.

Glendora Books: Shop l07b Ikeja City Mall (shoprite)

Roving Heights: 28, Ogunlana Drive, Surulere & Land Mark centre VI, Lagos

Alaroro books:  IG vendor

Ouida Books: 3c Oba Dosumu street off Isaac John Street, GRA Ikeja

The BookMarket: IG vendor




O. Omokehinde
  1. Nafeesah says:

    This is a really beautiful insight…now I’m looking forward towards reading the book.

  2. Precious says:

    Weldone. I haven’t read it but now I am curious about the book.

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